
To the Candle Makers Community

Candle Makers Community Features


Member Profiles

Everything in the Candle Makers Community revolves around its members. Customize your profile with fully editable fields that allow members to share details about themselves.

Social Groups

The Candle Makers Community allows members to organize themselves into public, private or hidden social areas with separate activity feeds and member listing.


Forum Discussions

Create a discussion forum to allow members of a group to communicate with a structured, bulletin-board style fashion.

Member Connections

Members can make connections with one another and focus on those they care about most.

Private Messaging

Members can send private message. Messages can be sent to one member or a group of members.

Network Search

Members can search the entire network, along with custom post types of your choice, all in one unified search bar.

About Us

We are just a couple of candle makers who love everything about this business. We have enjoyed learning, trying and meeting people who share this passion with us.  As this is a hobby for some or a business for others, we found Facebook and other groups to be a bit hard to get around. So many posts, so much information and not any real way to search or find the information you are looking for.  Because of that, many questions get asked over and over and sometimes, never at all.

Because we love candle making and know you do too, we used our “day job” knowledge to set up Candle Makers Community, a place for all of us to share, learn and grow together.

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